Rosie’s Gaming Emporium Vinton VA (Near Roanoke VA) – Leave a review or write a review about Rosie’s HHR Slot Machines in Vinton VA.

Rosie’s Vinton VA (Roanoke VA)
Address: 1135 Vinyard Rd, Vinton, VA 24179
Offers Gaming, Horse Races, Gambling, HHR Machines, Slot Machines, Bar, Entertainment
What We Think About Rosies
Rosie’s is an HHR machine “Gaming Center” and a place where you can bet on Horse Races – Historic Horse Racing (HHR) Machines are basically like slot machines and they look like, act like, and function like a slot machine, but they are not a “reel” or real slot machine. Can you win money on the HHR Machines at Rosie’s in Vinton? Sure you can but be prepared to LOOSE money when you put it in a machine no matter where you are.
I visited Rosie’s a few times in Vinton VA and turned $20 in to $150 then the next visit turned that $150 into NEGATIVE $200. I saw people hitting jackpots and having a good time. I saw people buying drinks at the bar and I saw people smoking in the smoking area of Rosie’s. What I didn’t see was a lot of smiles or laughter or friendliness from the staff (for the most part). Security there is very observant and that’s good but the security guys needs to relax a bit this is Vinton VA not Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze or some Bruce Willis movie where russians are going to take over Rosie’s in Vinton. Do your job but try not to look like a ROBONERD COP or Seth Rogen in Observe and Report while doing it. The other floor staff complaints in front of players or guests a lot. One of the GOLDEN shirt wearing machine attendants ( A Young Man In his 20s) was loudly complaining about how they (the Golden Shirts) were expecting tips from winners and players (guests). The employee that ranted about not getting TIPS from players said “no one tips us and the players are cheap – not like this in atlantic city, people there tip”
I found it offensive because I was a non tipper and for reason! I never one anything big or required help from them or saw a smile from them.
The kitchen and food was ok – HUGE burger with price of $9.99 +$2.00 or so for cheese and toppings (worth the price). Beer $4.00 for a bottle – $4-5 for a mix drink on average.
A snip from
Historical racing machines allow bettors to make wagers on horse races that have already been run.
The names of the horses, jockeys, trainers, and track location are concealed. Players are shown graphs displaying winning percentage for each post position, jockey, and trainer – numbers that are based on the parimutuel handicapping from that day.
HHR bettors are afforded various wagering options, and select a finishing order. An animated display of the race is then shown.
Where the devices become controversial is from the auto spin option. Rosie’s own website explains, “All the hard work is done for you. The gaming system selects the horses with the best odds at the time of the race. Use AutoCap so that all you have to do is focus on spinning, and winning.”
Along with viewing the animated horse race, HHR players have the option of watching “graphic representations of those outcomes as you would on a traditional casino game.” The “graphic representations” are spinning reels that closely resemble traditional slot machines.
It’s why not everyone is in favor of HHR.
“The only winner of expanded gambling in Virginia is the gambling industry,” Family Foundation President Victoria Cobb opined. “The promised panacea of increased revenue to the state never seems to materialize, and the cost to the community of broken homes and families can be devastating.”
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