Roanoke VA DUI Laws and Attorney

If you are charged with DUI in Roanoke VA (Driving Under The Influence) then you will need to hire or retain a DUI Attorney in the Roanoke area. There are dozens of DUI lawyers in Roanoke that you could choose from, however the outcome of your DUI case depends greatly on the decision you make. Going with the cheapest attorney in Roanoke may be a bad idea and going with the highest price attorney can also be a bad choice.
How do you decide on which DUI attorney in Roanoke to go with? The answer is Reputation! Which local DUI attorney has the best overall reputation and how many cases have they been involved in and more importantly how have these cases ended for the accused…
How do you research which DUI Attorney to use in Roanoke? Doing some simple research online can make a big difference. First find a few local DUI lawyers/attorneys that are in your area – Then go on Google and input their name as the search term. You will most likely find reviews about them on Google – Be sure to read the first 3-4 pages of search results so you don’t miss any information about them. After you find an attorney that you feel is capable of handling your case call them for a free consultation and talk with them. They will ask you a series of questions. Be 100% honest with your attorney about EVERYTHING, this will help them build a proper defense. Leave no details about your arrest, where you were stopped, what tests were done, the officers behavior, your treatment, and location of offense.
Virginia DUI Laws:
The Virginia Code sets the legal limit at .08. for adults and .02 for persons under 21. This means a 8/100ths to one-tenth of one percent by weight of alcohol to the weight of blood. This is translated into grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood in tests of blood or urine sample, or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of air in a “breathalyzer” test. A combination of the use of alcohol and narcotics can also be considered “under the influence” based on erratic driving. Driving on private property such as a parking lot is no drunk driving defense, but sitting in a non-moving vehicle without the ignition on probably is. This is a misdemeanor and is variously referred to as DUI, driving while intoxicated (DWI), or drunk driving.
DUI laws are tough in Virginia, Roanoke is no exception:
1st Roanoke DUI Offense: Up to 1 year in Jail and $2,500 Fine and loss of license for 1 year, possible MANDATORY JAIL
2nd Roanoke DUI Offense: MANDATORY JAIL, Up to 1 year, $2500 Fine and loss of license for three years
3rd Roanoke DUI Offense: FELONY!!! MANDATORY JAIL!
- Mandatory Alcohol Education & Treatment: Education (under 21)
- Confiscation of Vehicle Possible: 3rd Offense
- Ignition Interlock Device
Penalties include possible jail time, fines and community service. Second offense holds harsher penalties. If you have been charged with a second offense DUI don’t risk it – hire the best attorney you can!
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